Sunday, September 15, 2024



Star of Bethlehem flowers

Rescue remedy: this fabulous remedy has been used by many people who find it most helpful. I remember seeing a medical specialist opening a top desk drawer many years ago: in pride of place was a bottle of rescue remedy drops. Rescue remedy is a mixture of pure spring water in which beautiful flowers have been floated in the sunshine. A drop or two of alcohol acts as preservative. There is also a rescue remedy which is alcohol free.

Rescue remedy is the most famous of Dr Bach remedies. It is a blend of 5 different Bach Flower remedies. Rescue remedy was created by Dr Bach to deal with emergencies, fear, grief, tearfulness, trauma, crisis, worry or stressful situations. It is also helpful for anxiety or insomnia. Rescue remedy helps in a natural way to relax, be focused, and attain the calm needed to deal with stressful situations.

The five flowers which are incorporated in rescue remedy are: impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, cherry plum, rock rose and clematis. Their botanical names are impatiens - Impatiens gladulifera. Star of Bethlehem - Orithogalum umbellatum. Cherry plum - Prunus cerasifera. Rock rose - Helianthemum. Clematis - Clematis vitalba. 

The Star of Bethlehem is a deeply symbolic flower. It is native to the Mediterranean region, and grows wild across the countryside. The flowers feature six petals in a star shape, with multiple blooms clustering on each stem. The plant name comes from the shape of the flower, which resembles the biblical Star of Bethlehem which marked the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The Star of Bethlehem - as a flower with a name which has connection with Christianity - symbolises purity, innocence and hope. A charming tale links the Star of Bethlehem as a flower sent by Heaven on the night of Christ's Birth to celebrate the heavenly event. 

Do not take rescue remedy if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients. Dosage is taken according to the directions on the rescue remedy bottle and pamphlet. Always check with your doctor first before beginning any new medication or remedy.

Disclaimer; Please note that the information on this Health Post is not meant to replace your Doctor or Health Professional care